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Learn English Shorthand Dictation Faster and Easier with These PDF Downloads

Download These PDFs and Improve Your English Shorthand Dictation Skills in No Time

English shorthand dictation is a valuable skill that can help you record spoken information quickly and accurately. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a hobbyist, you can benefit from learning and practicing English shorthand dictation. However, finding suitable materials and resources for English shorthand dictation can be challenging. That's why we have compiled a list of the best PDFs that you can download for free and use to improve your English shorthand dictation skills in no time.

english shorthand dictation passages pdf download

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What are the benefits of using PDFs for English shorthand dictation?

PDFs are portable document format files that can be viewed, printed, and shared easily. They are ideal for English shorthand dictation because they offer several advantages, such as:

  • They are convenient and accessible. You can download them on your computer, tablet, or smartphone and access them anytime and anywhere. You don't need an internet connection or a special software to open them.

  • They are versatile and adaptable. You can choose from a variety of PDFs that suit your level, interest, and goal. You can also adjust the speed, volume, and playback of the audio files that accompany some of the PDFs.

  • They are effective and efficient. You can practice English shorthand dictation with PDFs that provide clear instructions, examples, exercises, and answers. You can also check your progress and correct your mistakes with the help of the transcripts and keys.

What are the best PDFs for English shorthand dictation?

There are many PDFs available online that can help you learn and practice English shorthand dictation. However, not all of them are reliable, relevant, or updated. To save you time and effort, we have selected some of the best PDFs for English shorthand dictation that you can download for free and use right away. Here they are:

  • Manual on Shorthand For Office Assistantship by K V Subbarao. This is a comprehensive and practical manual that covers the basics of Pitman's shorthand, one of the most popular and widely used methods of English shorthand. It teaches you the symbols, rules, and brief forms of Pitman's shorthand with clear explanations and illustrations. It also provides exercises and passages for practice and revision.

  • Egg Shorthand by Forgotten Books. This is a classic and simple book that introduces you to Egg Shorthand, a system of writing that uses only 26 symbols to represent all the sounds of the English language. It explains the principles and logic of Egg Shorthand with easy-to-follow examples and diagrams. It also offers drills and tests for self-evaluation.

  • Pitman's Shorthand Online Tutorial by National Shorthand School. This is an online tutorial that teaches you Pitman's shorthand in a systematic and interactive way. It consists of 24 lessons that cover all the aspects of Pitman's shorthand with audio-visual aids and animations. It also includes exercises and dictations for practice and improvement.

  • Free Online Shorthand Tutorial by National Shorthand School. This is another online tutorial that teaches you Pitman's shorthand in a simple and fun way. It consists of 12 lessons that cover the basics of Pitman's shorthand with colorful graphics and games. It also provides quizzes and dictations for reinforcement and feedback.

  • Chart of Gregg Shorthand Simplified Brief Forms by Business Technology Portal. This is a handy chart that shows you the brief forms of Gregg Shorthand Simplified, another popular and widely used method of English shorthand. It lists the most common words and phrases that have special signs in Gregg Shorthand Simplified with their corresponding meanings. It also gives examples of how to use them in sentences.

Where can you find more PDFs for English shorthand dictation?

If you want to practice more English shorthand dictation with different topics, levels, and styles, you can find more PDFs online that offer a variety of dictations for free. Here are some of the best websites that you can visit to download more PDFs for English shorthand dictation:

  • iSL Collective . This is a website that provides hundreds of English ESL worksheets in PDF format that you can download and print for free. You can find many dictation worksheets that cover different grammar topics, vocabulary themes, and skill levels. You can also filter the worksheets by type, level, student type, and time period.

  • InfoBooks . This is a website that offers a collection of free books in PDF format on various topics. You can find more than 15 shorthand books that you can download and read for free. You can learn more about the history, theory, and practice of shorthand with these books.

  • Scribd . This is a website that allows you to read and download millions of books, documents, and audiobooks online. You can find many PDFs for English shorthand dictation that cover different subjects, genres, and formats. You can also upload your own PDFs and share them with others.

How to use PDFs for English shorthand dictation effectively?

Using PDFs for English shorthand dictation can be very helpful, but you need to use them properly to get the most out of them. Here are some tips on how to use PDFs for English shorthand dictation effectively:

  • Choose the right PDFs for your goal. Depending on what you want to achieve with English shorthand dictation, you should choose the PDFs that match your level, interest, and purpose. For example, if you want to prepare for an exam or a job interview, you should choose PDFs that have dictations related to your field or topic. If you want to improve your general English skills, you should choose PDFs that have dictations from different sources and genres.

  • Set a regular schedule and stick to it. To improve your English shorthand dictation skills, you need to practice consistently and frequently. You should set a realistic and achievable schedule for yourself and follow it diligently. For example, you can practice for 15 minutes every day or for an hour every week. You should also track your progress and reward yourself for your achievements.

  • Use a variety of methods and materials. To avoid boredom and monotony, you should use a variety of methods and materials for English shorthand dictation. You can use different PDFs that have different types of dictations, such as dialogues, speeches, stories, or news reports. You can also use different modes of input, such as audio files, videos, or live speakers. You can also use different tools and techniques, such as pen and paper, computer programs, or online platforms.

What are the challenges and tips for English shorthand dictation?

English shorthand dictation is not an easy skill to master. It requires a lot of concentration, accuracy, and speed. You may face some challenges and difficulties when you practice English shorthand dictation, such as:

  • Lack of familiarity with the topic or vocabulary of the dictation. You may not understand some of the words or phrases that are used in the dictation, or you may not know how to write them in shorthand.

  • Lack of confidence or motivation. You may feel frustrated or discouraged when you make mistakes or when you cannot keep up with the speed of the dictation.

  • Lack of feedback or correction. You may not know if you are writing correctly or if you are missing any information or details in your transcription.

However, you can overcome these challenges and improve your English shorthand dictation skills with some tips and strategies, such as:

  • Prepare yourself before the dictation. You can read or listen to some materials related to the topic or vocabulary of the dictation beforehand. You can also review the symbols, rules, and brief forms of your shorthand system.

  • Practice regularly and gradually. You can start with short and simple dictations and then move on to longer and more complex ones. You can also increase the speed and difficulty of the dictations as you progress.

  • Use a variety of sources and formats. You can use different types of texts and audio files for your dictations, such as news articles, stories, speeches, dialogues, etc. You can also use different formats of dictations, such as gap-filling, multiple choice, true/false, etc.

  • Check your transcription and learn from your mistakes. You can compare your transcription with the original text or audio and identify any errors or gaps. You can also use online tools or ask a teacher or a friend to check your transcription and give you feedback.

  • Review your transcription and reinforce your learning. You can read your transcription aloud or listen to it again and pay attention to the pronunciation, grammar, and meaning of the words and sentences. You can also summarize or paraphrase the dictation in your own words.

What are the best practices and resources for English shorthand dictation?

English shorthand dictation is a skill that can be improved with practice and dedication. However, you also need to follow some best practices and use some resources that can help you learn and practice English shorthand dictation more effectively and efficiently. Here are some of the best practices and resources for English shorthand dictation:

  • Listen actively and attentively. To write down what you hear in shorthand, you need to listen actively and attentively to the speaker. You need to focus on the sounds, words, and sentences that are spoken, and ignore any distractions or noises. You also need to anticipate what the speaker is going to say next, and use context clues to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases.

  • Write neatly and legibly. To transcribe your shorthand notes correctly, you need to write neatly and legibly in shorthand. You need to use the correct symbols, rules, and brief forms of your shorthand system, and avoid any errors or ambiguities. You also need to use proper spacing, punctuation, and capitalization in your shorthand notes.

  • Review regularly and revise frequently. To remember and reinforce what you have learned and practiced in English shorthand dictation, you need to review regularly and revise frequently. You need to read your shorthand notes again and again, and try to recall what they mean. You also need to revise the symbols, rules, and brief forms of your shorthand system periodically.

  • Use online tools and platforms. To enhance your learning and practice of English shorthand dictation, you can use online tools and platforms that offer various features and functions. For example, you can use online dictionaries that provide the shorthand symbols for any word or phrase. You can also use online platforms that provide interactive lessons, exercises, quizzes, games, and dictations for learning and practicing English shorthand.


English shorthand dictation is a useful and rewarding skill that can help you record spoken information quickly and accurately. It can also help you improve your listening, writing, and memory skills, as well as save time and paper. However, English shorthand dictation is not an easy skill to master. It requires a lot of concentration, accuracy, and speed. You also need to learn and practice a shorthand system that suits your needs and preferences.

Fortunately, there are many PDFs that you can download for free and use to learn and practice English shorthand dictation. These PDFs offer various advantages, such as convenience, accessibility, versatility, adaptability, effectiveness, and efficiency. They also cover different topics, levels, and styles of English shorthand dictation. You can also find more PDFs online that offer a variety of dictations for free.

However, you also need to use these PDFs properly to get the most out of them. You need to choose the right PDFs for your goal, set a regular schedule and stick to it, use a variety of methods and materials, check your transcription and learn from your mistakes, and review your transcription and reinforce your learning. You can also use online tools and platforms that offer various features and functions for learning and practicing English shorthand dictation.

By following these tips and strategies, you can improve your English shorthand dictation skills in no time. You can also enjoy the benefits of using PDFs for English shorthand dictation. So what are you waiting for? Download these PDFs and start practicing English shorthand dictation today! a27c54c0b2


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